
The MSK Diagnostic Ultrasound Journey Begins

John -  11 Apr 2022 10:00:00 Other articles...

So the MSK (musculoskeletal) Diagnostic Ultrasound Journey Begins.


One intensive weekend completed.


Another to come at the end of May.


One year’s worth of further study in London and possibly at the end a qualified MSK Sonographer?


Purchased a GE Logiq E Laptop based Ultrasound scanner and literally scanning everything that moves. Very fortunate to have a busy clinic where I can scan many different injuries to gain invaluable experience.


In the blog I hope to give you a taste of what I am lucky enough to see come through the door at CORE gym Leamington Spa.


A high level Male 400m runner, hoping for Commonwealth Games selection. 5 days ago had pain on the outside of his left lower leg (below the knee). Initially pain on palpation. Competed at the weekend. Pain got worse during warm up. In the race pain got worse (should have stopped). Last 100m excruciating.


Overnight went to A&E. X-Rays. No fracture. Diagnosis Peroneal Tendonitis. On presentation at clinic non weight bearing with crutches, swollen lower limb, spot specific pain, 2 inches above the lateral malleolus and very limited ankle movements. Clinic diagnosis Stress Fracture Fibula.


Below you can see a bone irregularity, exactly on the epicentre of pain. Longtidudinal image of the left Fibula.



So he begins his 6-10 week rehabilitation. Games selection unlikely but you never know.


We have a plan in place and he will seek an MRI or CT scan to confirm the diagnosis.

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